Susannah Bryant


Susannah Bryant

As the Marketing & Communications Manager, Susannah works to tell the history and ongoing story of Catawba Riverkeeper. Reaching out through the avenues of social media, the Catawba Riverkeeper website, newsletters, blog posts, and print materials, she hopes to inspire more people to become as passionate about water as our team is! Susannah feels incredibly fortunate to be able to spend her time partnering with all departments of Catawba Riverkeeper to keep up with the many happenings of the organization and finding creative ways to share the important work being done here.

Susannah graduated from Wofford College with a bachelor’s degree in English and Environmental Studies and a dream to find a career that would allow her to use her communication skills to help promote conservation efforts. After a roundabout journey through teaching abroad in Zambia, working as an Environmental Educator at Camp Thunderbird, directing Youth & Children’s programing at First Presbyterian Church Gastonia, getting her master’s degree in Teaching, and teaching art at CMS, she found her way back to those majors and that dream here at Catawba Riverkeeper.

In her spare time, Susannah enjoys hiking, camping, and paddling with her partner, Michael, and their dog, Saluda. (They would bring their red-eared slider, too, if they could!) Any time spent outdoors and on or near water she considers to be time well-spent!

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